To date, the Audi YouTube channel has been used to house multiple campaign videos. There was an opportunity to go bigger and to create a content centric channel. We worked extensively with YouTube to design a “custom” gadget tab within their latest rollout in 2013.
I was the Creative Lead tasked with redesigning and creating a best-in-class YouTube channel for Audi USA. We moved outside of YouTube templates and challenged ourselves by designing and developing the first branded channel with custom HTML animations and a content management system. I led a design team that went through several design explorations and prototypes while working directly with YouTube engineers to unlock capabilities and custom development.
New framework & opportunity
Create an experience by which the user can view Audi content regardless of campaign or timing
Build what doesn’t exist
Create a design that can be easily managed and is powered by a custom backend CMS
HTML parallax & animation
Test and learn within an open sandbox and push the capabilities of YouTube beyond playing videos

YouTube 1st
We first built a motion study that pushed the original design and introduced HTML parallax and animated widgets
Created 9 custom widgets that were interactable onscreen mini experiences
The opportunity was to redesign the YouTube environment so that it enticed visitors to explore interactive widgets while meeting expectations of viewing videos and learning more. The design was an opportunity to transform a familiar experience into a branded experience ripe for discovery and education.
Audi USA
2012 - 2013
Interactive Widgets

User Experience
The page navigation was a flyout menu upon hover that also served as a visual indicator of where you were on the page and was clickable to anchored elements

Nuts & Bolts
Each page has interactive widgets that provide data and insight, giving the user a behind-the-scenes look at what makes an Audi an Audi

Progress Is
Each page is curated with specific content that leads the user on a guided tour through Audi’s history and progress towards innovation
Silver Addy Award for Social Media & Advertising
Daily gain in total visits for for 6 months
Daily gain in subscribers for 6 consecutive months
Tallest single page clocks in at nearly 7,000 pixels
Total number of Photoshop PSD work files
Project folder in the end was nearly 16 gigs