Nintendo Brand Store

Nintendo was a client of mine from my agency days and I was excited years later to help bring them onboard into the Amazon advertising experience. The biggest opportunity came in 2017 when I pitched them on an evergreen Amazon experience that ultimately evolved into productized Amazon Brand Stores. The features introduced for Nintendo would become customizable widgets seen in the Amazon self-service Store Builder that all brands use today.

Evolution into Brand Stores

Amazon Stores are immersive shopping experiences for brands that can be created through Amazon’s self-service Store Builder.

2015 - 2016

Our relationship with Nintendo started with static banners in 2015 that gradually introduced and transitioned them into investing in more immersive ad experiences in 2016.


This was a big year with the launch of the Switch. It presented a great opportunity to be proactive and pitch smart ideas direct to Nintendo as they were seeking marketing partnerships that not only showcased the unique features of their product, but would also revolutionize how they market their product.

Concept to Execution

It started with the idea of an evergreen landing page, with media driving to it through Amazon ads for visibility. The evergreen landing page would link to specific product detail pages to engage and educate customers in an Amazon environment. The page can feature priority ASINs with the ability for customers to toggle between various Nintendo products. Featured products can be updated through the year based on new releases, new ASINs can be added more easily, and design refreshes can occur once a month.

UX wireframe exploring subpages and inventory sorting and arrangement

Final design comps with new widgets and multi-tab subpages

Amazon standard landing page productized into Brand Store


Build On


Brand Day