Amazon Fire TV
I was selected to work on the initial concept for the Fire TV in 2010. I created the initial UI/UX mocks and worked closely with the engineering team to build a workable prototype. The challenge was to develop an experience that could house dedicated promotion slots for third-party sellers while flowing seamlessly within the device UI and Amazon exclusive content library.
The landscape back in 2010 was ripe with opportunity. We were still mailing away for DVDs through Netflix and there were very few entertainment set boxes on the market. Motion technology was in its infancy and not fully automated with voice, motion sensing controllers, and other input devices.
The first generation Fire TV was unveiled and praised for its future potential but was limited by placing Amazon content in the front and lacked 3P content. My work at this time was to secure partnerships with brands to advertise on the Fire TV through proof of concept ad technology. The goal was to introduce brands into this tech space.
2015 - 2017
This period was focused around innovation that would transform into connected TV advertising. My initial UI/UX model from 2010 served as the framework for the platform while we introduced first-to-market shoppable video, voice integration, and sponsored advertising.
2010 Initial Concept
My focus for the concept was to establish a grid system and simple navigation based on organized type and high contrast.
2014-15 Launch Device
The market-ready device used the grid system with a prominent zone dedicated for 3P advertising and sponsorship.

This Fire TV project was given the name "Project Montana" in reference to blue sky and the open digital landscape in 2010

A prominent header needed to be designed to house featured content and promotions

This stackable design aesthetic focused around expandable bars that opened to reveal content

Device settings and sub menus were designed to fly out and overlay on top of the screen

This design direction played around with depth, dimensionality, and the ability to have layers of content within each box

The device had multiple ways to use and view the UI and could be changed with a button press

The featured header was shoppable and worked directly with Amazon Detail Pages

Product details integrated with Amazon star ratings and customer reviews

The early prototype worked on pulling in one’s social stream and personal photo library to be integrated into the dashboard

The featured header was mapped out and tested for audio, video, and shopability
Months I spent working alone as the sole designer
4 yrs
This product wouldn’t see light of day until 2014
I was also tapped for some designs into the first generation Fire Phone
20/20 hrs
I split half my time working at Amazon and the other in a specialty designed think tank at my agency